
Palestra “Performative Surfaces: a research on material form and organization”, por Zeynep Bacinoglu and Sema Alaçam

Palestra LAMO: 27 de janeiro, Sala Multi-Uso PROURB, 5º andar
“Performative Surfaces: a research on material form and organization”, por Zeynep  Bacinoglu and Sema Alaçam, Istanbul Technical University

Organização: Gonçalo Castro Henriques e Andrés Passaro (LAMO/PROURB).

Hoje novos materiais e linguagens de manufatura – resultado de investigação sistemática da técnica, do fazer e das propriedades materiais – que se tornam mais comuns. Emergem conceitos e linguagens únicos para os sistemas materiais e de fabricação digital. Nesta palestra Zeynep e Sema irão apresentar alguns destas propostas sistémicas, incluindo os resultados de diversos cursos que foram tutoras conjuntas no programa de graduação de arquitetura, design e computação, assim como o projeto ‘pele performativa’ de Zeynep. O ponto de partida comum nestes projetos é terem sido iniciados pelo material e a maneira de o transformar (técnica) guiando a formação de sistemas materiais e consequentemente do objeto de design. As autoras destacam como a parte mais entusiasmante destes processos a parte exploratória: traduzindo e transformado a técnica e lógica do design para diferentes contextos.

*Palestra em Inglês com apresentação e resumo final em português.

Todays ‘new’ material and manufacturing languages – resulting from systematic investigations of Technique, Making and Material Properties – are becoming more common. Unique concepts and Language for material systems and digital fabrication systems are emerging. In this lecture Zeynep and Sema will present some of these ‘systems proposals’; including the outcomes of various courses which they tutored together in Architectural Design Computing Graduate Program and the ‘Performative Skin’ project of Zeynep. The point of departure is common in these  projects, which are started with the material and the way of transforming the material (technique), that guide the formation of the material systems, and consequently, the design object. The lecturers say that the most exciting part of these processes is the exploration part: translating & transforming the technique’s design logic to different contexts.

Short bio:
Zeynep Bacinoglu is an architect, currently PhD candidate and research&teaching assistant at Istanbul Technical University, Institute of Science Engineering and Technogy & Faculty of Architecture.  She hold a MSc in Architectural Design Computing Graduate Program in 2012. She has awarded at Archiprix National Architectural Graduation Projects 2009 as third place and finalist at ITKIB Young Fashion Designers Contest 2012. She received a best presentation –runner up prize from CAADRIA 2014. /

Dr. Sema Alaçam is an architect and a assistant professor at Istanbul Technical University (ITU). She is on the leading edge of Architectural Design Computing Graduate Program at ITU.  She has research experience from TU Delft, Hyperbody Research Group (2006-2007) and ETH Zurich, Chair of Structural Design in 2013-2014.

Apart from the undergraduate architectural design studio, she teaches various graduate courses related to the computational design and fabrication approaches in architecture. She has numerous papers presented and printed in national and international conferences. /

21 janeiro 2016