
Seminários PROURB – Prof. Stephen Buckman

Resiliency Planning in Antagonistic Communities.

Dia 26/06/2019 (quarta-feira) – às 11h15
Auditório Paulo Santos – FAU/UFRJ

Prof. Stephen Buckman

Dr. Stephen Buckman is an Assistant Professor of City Planning and Real Estate Development at Clemson University. Before teaching at Clemson University he spent three years at the University of South Florida. Dr. Buckman received his PhD in Geography from Arizona State University and completed his post doctorial work at the University of Michigan. Dr. Buckman’s work is centered in the areas of urban resiliency, waterfront development, and the planned community. Dr Buckman is presently conducting research on the Favela Bairro program.

Seminários PROURB – Coordenação: Prof. Fabiana Izaga / Prof. James Miyamoto / Prof. Raquel Tardin

19 junho 2019